Rising to the Occasion Under Pressure

An insightful blog post about golfing under pressure.

I Golf A Lot

If you play golf and it means something to you, odds are, you’ve felt pressure.  Now, pressure’s effects vary from person to person.  I myself, generally play better in a pressure-free environment while others seem to thrive when they need to pull off the shots.  In tournament play, it’s absolutely crucial that any player knows how to manage this pressure, and how to overcome it.

I’ve been 3 under through 4 holes before and I only shot one under that day.  Now, while I was incredibly excited and that was a great round for me, think about how much better that could have been!  I had five holes left (I was playing 9) and I ended up dropping two shots before the finish.  What went wrong?  Why didn’t I shoot -6?  Well, with pressure, there comes this increase in excitement.  Excitement can be either a good thing or a bad…

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